Kinética compiles compositions that in a first moment where created to “watch” while listening, as most of it was music created for contemporary dance, audiovivisuals, video, film, even for modern choreographies of flamenco dance. In all these pieces, the sound creates space for  contemplation for an inner or outter vision. The music is not imposing to follow a path but inviting to walk a new one. In this album, is the listener who has to complete the vision, there are not associated images and the versions included are recreations where the sound invites the audience to complete the picture.  You can listen to “Kinética” wathing the clouds or closing you eyes, lost in you own thoughts,  trying to remember a detail of a memory, browsing your photographs or just wondering about that crack on the wall. In any case, the proposal and the miracle would be to share a moment in time of contemplation and listening.

Daniel Muñoz “Artomático”


Itunes - Apple Music

Créditos del albúm

Produced and mixed by Artomático. © 2020. Kinética is a project byDaniel Muñoz “Artomático”. Recorded and mastered by Artomático.

Front cover: Twisting summersault por Eadweard Muybridge 1880. Design: Artomático Studio/Silvia Calado


  1. Órbitas (con José Manuel León)
  2. Tremor
  3. Ojo
  4. Plañidera (con Luis Prado)
  5. Desmemoria
  6. Galmatopeia
  7. Memoria
  8. Woman on background
  9. Evocación
  10. Gnossienne 1
  11. Pseudofiesta
  12. Fandango Rebobinado

Órbitas (con la guitarra de José Manuel León)
Banda sonora del cortometraje “Enémigos” de David Muñoz. Guitarra, José Manuel León. Versión extendida y remezclada.

Tremor es una concreción de una de las piezas electrónicas realizadas en directo en la obra “Claroscuro” del bailaor Ángel Muñoz

Incluída originalmente en la obra de danza contemporánea,“Ojo”, de Antonio Ruz. Versión editada y remezclada.

Plañidera (con el piano de Luis Gustavo Prado)
Incluída originalmente en la obra “Preflamencos” de los bailarines Rafael Estévez y Valeriano Paños, es una concreción en estudio de una de las piezas electrónicas que se realizaban en directo improvisando sobre la coreografía. El piano está interpretado por Luis Gustavo Prado, en una adaptación del mismo pianista sobre la partitura de Manuel Fernández Grajal (S.XIX)

Banda sonora de “Hilo Roto” de Albert Hernández Lledó e Irene Tena

Banda sonora de la obra de videodanza de Melania Olcina, “Galmatopeia”

Banda sonora de la obra escénica de Irene Tena y Albert Hernández Lledó, “Hilo Roto”

Woman on background
Banda sonora de la obra de videodanza de Melania Olcina, “Woman on background”. Remezcla

Banda sonora de la obra escénica del bailaor Ángel Muñoz “Iberias”

Gnossienne 1
Variación sobre la composición de Erik Satie, Gnossienne 1

Banda sonora de “Hilo Roto” de Albert Hernández Lledó e Irene Tena. Versión editada y remezclada

Fandango Rebobinado
Banda sonora de la obra escénica “Fandango” de David Coria y David Lagos.
Versión editada y remezclada



As great as the title, as sensual and emotional as the piece: “Electroflamenco 3.0” is a dreamlike journey through the landscapes of life

As great as the title, as sensual and emotional as the piece: "Electroflamenco 3.0" is a dreamlike journey through the landscapes of life. The compositions and sound landscapes of Daniel Muñoz “Artomático” are like a long river, not always calm, on which the boat glides. He knows every rapid and every sandbar, determines the pace [...]

“The intensity of the work did not diminish the harmony or beauty of this art proposal”. Journal El País. Spain

“The intensity of the work did not diminish the harmony or beauty of this art proposal. A performance in four times developed with elegance, delicacy and great temperance" Journal El País (Spain). Article about “Electroflamenco 3.0”  by Fermín Lobatón

‘Tremor’ reviewed in France by Boulimequedemusique

The Spanish artist proposes an instrumental work with exploratory electronic sounds. Extremely atmospheric and musically mestizo, this piece captivates the attention with its shadowy atmosphere. Of great sound richness, this is a piece full of emotions, subtleties and intensity. Boulimequedemusique, may 2022 L’artiste espagnol propose une œuvre instrumentale aux sonorités électroniques exploratoires. Extrêmement atmosphérique et [...]

‘Tremor’ reviewed in Brasil by Playfonic

With a slow start, the music of Artomático’s ‘El Grito en el Cielo’ is an electronic instrumental with vocal melodies that add intensity and atmosphere. The artist combines traditional elements of Spanish flamenco with current ones, generating an intense and provocative atmosphere. A great song

‘Tremor’ destacado en Rhythm Passport como descubrimiento del día

'Tremor' destacado en Rhythm Passport como descubrimiento del día

‘Tremor’ featured in Rhythm Passport as daily discovery

'Tremor' featured in Global Beats as daily discovery

Hodierno (David Lagos). Music production and album mix. Live electronics

David Lagos 'Hodierno' - Third solo album by singer David Lagos Music production and album mix: Artomático Musicians: David Lagos (singer), Alfredo Lagos (guitar), Juan Jiménez (sax), Artomático ( Electronics, sampling, drums) Artomático, Juan Jiménez, David Lagos and Alfredo Lagos in the premiere of 'Hodierno' for the Bienal de Flamenco de Sevilla 2018. Photo © [...]

Hilo Roto. Music composition and sound design

Hilo Roto, by La Venidera Dance Company Direction: Albert Hernández Lledó and Irene Tena Choreographies: Albert Hernández Lledó, Irene Tena, Eduardo Martínez Music and sound design: Daniel Muñoz, 'Artomático' Premiered in Madrid, Spain, 25th april 2019

Artomatico “Electroflamenco” in France. Scène de Musiques Actuelles de Nîmes Métropole “Paloma”. January 15th, 2018

Nimes, France. 15th January 2018: “Electroflamenco” by Artomatico and guest artists, David Coria (dance) and Diego Villegas Gomez (sax, clarinet) is performed in the Scène de Musiques Actuelles de Nîmes Métropole “Paloma”, France.  9 P.M.

CLAROSCURO. Direction and live electronic music by Artomatico

Ángel Muñoz – Claroscuro Artistic direction: Artomático Live music: Artomático, Diego Villegas, Miguel Ortega Choreographer, dancer: Ángel Muñoz Prodution: Ángel Muñoz / Daniel Muñoz Premeried at Festival de Jerez 2017.  Spain. March 6th 2017. Teatro Villamarta ‘Claroscuro’ is the new work by flamenco dancer Ángel Muñoz,  with the artistic direction of Artomatico, the dance blends his vocabulary into the […]

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